I have used window as a beginner and then shifted to Linux for better development experience. And at last satisfied by MacBook.
Why not Windows!
- Slow bootup.
- No bash terminal.
- Most of the tutorial for Unix based system.
- Hang oftenly.
- Windows update slow the internet and also next update doesn't improve performance but decrease it.
- Command prompt is fucked up.
- Virus......
Why not Linux!
- Buggy
- Updates increase the performance but come with some bugs.
- Not every hardware is compatible with Linux.My old computer used to have wifi and graphics problem.
- Decrease battery performance.
Why MacBook?
- Unix based.
- Support Bash shell.
- Easy to install software.
- Faster opening of apps.
- For mobile development it's best. You can parallely run iOS and Android emulator without any lag
- Vs code startup time is very fast.
- Backed up by Apple. Hence updates boost the performance and also the user experience .